Of late, a lot has been said and published about mirena side effects. You can click here to learn more about it, or read on. The number of people complaining about the adverse effects that come from using the product is increasing rather fast. This can be witnessed from the increasing inquiries over the internet, the streets as well as social media. People constantly talk about the side effects to express their dissatisfaction as well as warn other people. Furthermore, they desire to find a better alternative.
What Is Mirena?
Mirena is a type of birth control method that is quite common. It consists of a T-shaped polyethylene that contains a hormone known as Levonorgestrel. It is inserted inside the uterus of a woman consequently stopping her from conceiving. The intrauterine device will remain active for a period of 5 years. The Levonorgestrel hormone which is at times known as progestin is a hormone disrupter. It interferes with the normal working of the body thereby stopping a woman from conceiving.
What Are the Mirena Side Effects?
Since its inception, a lot of women have complained of suffering from side-effects caused by the Mirena IUD. The type of negative impacts will from one woman to another.
The following are most common side-effects:
- No Menses: - Quite a number of women have gone through long periods without experiencing any monthly period. It first starts with reduced blood flow to a complete stop.
- Irregular Periods: - Women who have had the Mirena IUD inserted may also go through irregular menstrual flow. At one point, the flow is heavy while in the next there is nothing. The timetable may also shift.
- Low Libido: - Low sex drive is a one of the most common side effects. The desire to perform intimate activities is no longer there.
- Weight Gain: - Mirena may also lead to increase in weight gain. This is caused by hormonal imbalance which may affect metabolism.
- Depression: - Low-spirit, low-self esteem, depression and mood swings are quite common with women who have had the birth control device inserted.
- Headaches/Migraines: - A woman may also experience constant headaches, migraines and dizziness. This becomes more severe as time passes by.
Other symptoms include; pain during sex, pale skin, hair loss, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), acne, tender breasts and much more.
Here’s a short video with more information about this :
What Are The Alternatives To Mirena?
The following alternative methods can be used to avoid the mirena side effects:-
- Copper IUD: - This is a non-hormonal device that is made of copper. It kills any sperms that enter the uterus and can last up to 5 years.
- Contraceptive Sponge: - This is a disposable sponge that contains a spermicide. It is inserted at the cervix and kills sperms. It is effective for about 12 hours.
- Lea Contraceptive:-This is a soft device made from silicone. It is placed at the cervix and stops sperms from entering. The contraceptive works for about 8 hours.
- Cervical Cap: - This is a deep cap made from silicone. It is fitted at the front of the cervix and prevents bacteria and sperms from entering.
- Diaphragm: - the diagram prevents sperms from entering the uterus. The device is made from latex and is most effective when used with a spermicide.
- Spermicide: - This is a chemical known as nonoxynol-9 and is effective in killing sperms. It comes as a cream, film, gel, foam, or suppository. It is applied on the cervix and can also be used with other methods such as condoms, Lea, and cervical caps.
Other methods include: vasectomy, tubal ligation, male condoms, and female condoms.
Mirena comes with all kinds of negative side-effects. Some can be mild, others chronic, while some will be recurrent. The side effects will impact your life negatively. For instance, you may find yourself making endless visits to the doctor’s office. Your body will go through hormonal imbalance that will trigger mood swings. You also may suffer from low self-esteem, or lose the zeal you previously had. The best way to deal with the mirena side effects is finding an alternative solution. Also, a mirena detox is highly recommended if you’ve been on it for a longer period of time.