Yes, and you know that hiccups are annoying - and yes, there are several ways that you can get rid of this discomfort. So today we present everything you wanted to know about hiccups.
No longer stop hiccups are almost as annoying as the situation where you are stuck in traffic for hours with a good ... baby crying ... and no air conditioning in the car.
Maybe it's a bit exaggerated scenario, but this mysterious function of the body is as strange as it is irritating. So what exactly happens when you hiccup? And how to stop the series of hiccups that last for several minutes?
What are hiccups?
First things first: "Hiccups occur when there is a sudden contraction, involuntary diaphragm, a muscle that is located below the lungs that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen. As the diaphragm to contract very quickly, it causes air to be sucked inside very quickly, which snaps vocal cords and makes them to close and cause hiccups accompanying sound, "explains specialist in internal medicine Dr. Andrea Paul, for
What causes hiccups?
Although there are only theories about what causes hiccups fact, they are often seen together with other symptoms, such as bloating and that swallowing too fast, swallowing air quickly.
Specialist in internal medicine says that among the potential culprits include eating too fast, drinking too fast, inhalation of irritants such as tobacco and alcohol. But some people say that even the appearance of stress and anxiety can cause hiccups.
How can you get rid of hiccups?
The cure for hiccups is quite simple: increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, says expert in internal medicine. You can hold your breath for 10-20 seconds, to drink a glass of water without taking a breath, breathe into a paper bag for 20-30 seconds to run in place or do several stretches for 30 seconds. Usually, one of these things will work.
Here's how it works right with carbon dioxide (CO2): If you breathe deeply and hold your breath, this will prevent the body to get rid of "waste" of carbon dioxide; every time you breathe into a paper bag will take your body breathe carbon dioxide that you just fired; even a short session this breathing exercise will work because, as you breathe more oxygen and it combines with other nutrients in your body for energy, your body produces more carbon dioxide result.
If none of the above does not work and your hiccups do not resolve by themselves within 48 hours, specialists in internal medicine say it is time to call your doctor and make sure that no other health problems at their base.